UNISON, alongside our sister trade unions, have serious concerns about the safety of staff, pupils and parents regarding the Governments plans on re-opening schools to more pupils.
In Sandwell, we are seeking assurances from the Local Authority, that schools will only open to more pupils when it is safe to do so. We are aware that different schools are taking different approaches. Some Local Authorities have concluded it is not safe to open to the extra year groups as requested by the Government on 1st June. Sandwell Council is recommending class sizes are no larger than 10 pupils.
You have been sent a copy of a letter to hand to your Headteacher if you choose to. From the Branch we will be writing to all Headteachers in Sandwell, asking for the risk assessment. The joint trade unions have also written to every Labour Councillor pointing out our concerns.
If you have specific concerns about your school then please get in touch with us – either by phone – or email to sandwellunison@btconnect.com
Attached is a copy of the joint union checklist guide for Primary Schools.
Coronavirus-Workplace-Checklist-–-Schools (1)