International Workers’ Memorial Day 28 April

Click on the video message below 28April2021IWMD On 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day, we remember those who have died as a result of accidents, injuries or illnesses caused by work – and promise to fight for the living. The events of the past 12 months make this day more poignant than ever. UNISON members …

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Survey Results from Working during the Pandemic

Thanks to all UNISON members who took the time to respond to our brief survey. You have helped the Branch assess your experiences during the pandemic. The findings are summarised below:- Despite the pandemic running for 12 months now, a quarter of you that continue to work on the frontline reported that you still do …

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UNISON members at SLT give 2nd Vote for Industrial Action

For the second time UNISON members working at Sandwell Leisure Trust (SLT) have voted for industrial action. On a 63.6% turnout, UNISON members voted 77.6% for action against the ‘fire and re-hire’ from SLT to remove all staff from the national NJC negotiating body on pay, terms and conditions. During the first ballot, most members …

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UN Anti-Racism Day, 20th March

 #WORLDAGAINSTRACISM DAY OF ACTION MARCH 1, 2021 STANDUPTORAC CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE #WorldAgainstRacism Fighting Racism, Islamophobia, Antisemitism & Fascism Organised by Stand Up To Racism & The TUC 1PM: #TakeTheKnee wherever you are 1-2PM: Live link with actions around the world 5PM: Major Online Rally Register for Zoom link & further details BLACK LIVES …

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Is there a new Risk Assessment in your school?

New updated Risk Assessments should have been completed for the re-opening of each school. If you haven’t seen one then please ask the appropriate person in your school to see a copy. Attached is a copy of the Joint-union safety checklist. Joint_union_safety_checklist_for_March_2021 If there are any concerns about the updated risk assessment in your school …

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Budget offers nothing for Councils and Carers

Commenting on the Chancellor’s Budget statement today (Wednesday), UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “The chancellor had much to say on how to revive the economy but strangely silent on public services. Workers and services at the heart of the country’s pandemic will be more concerned with what Rishi Sunak – so keen to stress his honest approach – didn’t announce today. There …

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Porter from Heartlands Hospital Dispute to Speak at AGM 4 March

The Annual General Meeting of Sandwell General UNISON Branch takes place on Thursday 4 March at 5:45pm. Speaking at this online meeting will be a speaker from a Porter at Heartlands Hospital, who are fighting the same ‘fire and re-hire’ tactics that UNISON members working for Sandwell Leisure Trust are fighting. How bosses at Heartlands …

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School Members Facebook Meeting Wednesday 24th February

Worried about your school reopening? Do you have questions? Do you want to know UNISON’s latest advice? Following the government’s announcement last night, you can join your colleagues on the UNISON Facebook meeting Wednesday 24th February at 5pm. The link to join is on the Facebook page.

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Latest Guidance for School Staff

The Government announced its ‘road map’ out of lockdown on Monday 22 February, which included schools returning for all pupils from 8 March. Below is a summary of the Governments guidelines. If your school does not follow these get in touch with us immediately. Here is short summary of the main items: All schools …

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Union Challenge forces Government to back down on Exit Cap

The unions had launched a legal challenge to the Governments introduction of an Exit Payment Cap. The Judicial Review was due to be heard in March. The Exit Cap could have taken £thousands off any staff 55+ who were made redundant, adversely affecting the pension they were due to receive under the Local Government Pension …

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