The NJC Committee met 22nd February, to consider a timetable for moving to settle NJC pay 2021 for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Committee noted the concerns of members who want to receive the pay award as soon as possible, while also noting that some of Unite’s industrial action ballots remain open (the majority closed on 17th and 18th February). Unite’s committee meet Monday, 28th February, to consider the results of all of their ballots.
The Committee decided that, notwithstanding the Unite ballot results, UNISON will be looking to settle this matter on 28th February.
The Committee also agreed a draft timetable for consultation on the contents of the NJC pay claim for 2022, setting a target of 1st May for submission of that pay claim.
This means that the 1.75% pay award for 2021 will be in your pay for March and will be backdated from 1 April 2021.