NJC 2025/26 Pay Claim Submitted

Our claim is for an increase of at least £3,000 on all spinal column points.
In addition:
• A clear plan to reach a minimum pay rate of £15 an hour
• One extra day of annual leave for all staff
• A reduction in the working week by two hours, with no loss of pay
• The ability for school staff to take [at least] one day of their annual leave
during term time, with no loss of pay.

The employers side will meet during February and March before making an offer.

NJC pay claim 2025 – covering letter NJC Pay Claim 2025-26

NJC Pay Claim 2025-26

Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/njc-2025-26-pay-claim-submitted/