NEC Elections – Your Branch Nominations

The elections of UNISON’s ruling body, the National Executive Council, are due to begin on  21 April.

All members will receive a voting paper through the post with papers on candidates for numerous positions.

Sandwell General Branch has nominated the following candidates for the following seats on this body that oversees the running of our union nationally.

The following nominations were unanimously agreed:

National Disabled Members Female Seat 

Ellie Waple

National Disabled General Seat 

Tara Thomas

National Black Members Female Seats 

April Ashley and Antonia Bright

National Black Members Reserved Seat 

Julia Mwaluke

National Black Members Male Seat 

Amerit Rait

West Midlands Female Seats 

Caroline Johnson and Lisa Bland,

West Midlands General Seat 

Mike Moore

Local Government Female Seats 

Andrea Egan and Jane Doolan

Local Government General Seats 

David Jones and Jenny Black

Young Members Female Seat 

Natasha Bednall

Young Members General Seat 

Kameron Spence

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