Category: Uncategorized

UNISON Will Fight any Privatisation of Sandwell’s Children’s Services

PRESS RELEASE 10 June 2016 UNISON Will Fight any Privatisation of Sandwell’s Children’s Services Discussions are underway about future proposals for Sandwell’s Children’s Services following recommendations made by commissioner Eleanor Brazil. No decision has been taken at this time however proposals to either move Children’s Services to a voluntary trust with the co-operation of the …

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The Wragge Report

The findings in the published Wragge report, together with the QC’s report are truly shocking and must never be allowed to happen again. It is deeply saddening that Sandwell Council’s name is being tarnished by the actions of a very small number of Councillors and the inaction of those at the top of Sandwell Council that …

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NJC Pay Dispute Settled

The National body looking at our pay claims narrowly voted to accept the Government’s pay offer, rather than progress to a national industrial action ballot, after several Regions expressed doubt over a lack of support for such support. Members had voted 64% to reject the offer but on a low turnout. Not only does this demonstrate …

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Government withdraws plan to stop check-off for subs payment

The government has withdrawn plans to ban public service workers from having their union subs deducted from their wages. As the House of Lords started its report stage debate on the Trade Union Bill last night, Cabinet Office minister Lord Bridges confirmed that the government was withdrawing the plans to end check-off in the public …

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We Have Moved

Our new address is; Sandwell UNISON, West Bromwich Town Hall, Lodge Road, West Bromwich B70 8DY Telephone number and  email address have remained the same, 0121 569-5996 and

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Government wants your pension money

The government wants to use the money in your pension funds to invest in their pet infrastructure projects. This potentially puts at risk the money that should be used to pay your pensions. There has been no debate in Parliament over this issue and we need to try and make sure it gets debated. 5 …

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AGM agree to campaign against privatisation and racism

Sandwell’s 2016 AGM voted unanimously to back a motion to ballot for industrial action if the Government tries to privatise Children’s social workers into a ‘Trust’. The AGM also voted to ‘show racism the red card’ and invite the organisation into one of Sandwell’s Schools. Regarding the EU referendum the majority vote was to abstain on …

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  Leisure Staff’s Pay, Terms and Conditions to be Guaranteed? Up to 50 members of UNISON and GMB lobbied the Cabinet meeting 9 March, where a paper on the future of Leisure Services in Sandwell was discussed. A joint union petition of over 5,000 names, collected in just 5 weeks, was handed over to the …

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National Insurance and State Pension – Important changes

Today the press is full of stories regarding the reviews regarding Stage Pension ages. However, there is changes to National Insurance Contributions and the State Pension that come into force from 6 April 2016. We advise that all members read the briefing on the below link to familiarise themselves with the details of these changes. …

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Campaign Launched to Save Sandwell Leisure Trust

Workers of Sandwell Leisure Trust were enraged at their annual awards ceremony where they were informed that the organisation could end for good in December 2017. Workers were informed that the Council proposals could see all financial support ended by 2019/20. This means that Staff face the prospect of TUPE transferring to another private organisation, …

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