Category: Uncategorized

Black Country Stands Up to Racism Rally 15 Feb

Black Country Stands Up to Racism Speakers include: Louise Regan NUT senior vice president, Roger McKenzie UNISON assistant general secretary, Jackie Taylor Sandwell Labour Cllr, Azad Ali Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND), Ian Hodson BFAWU National President, Colleen Molloy City of Sanctuary, Weyman Bennett Stand Up To Racism Co-Convenor. 7pm on Wednesday 15th February West …

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Overwhelming Vote for Strike Ballot against being privatised into a Children’s Trust

UNISON members in Children’s Services have given a huge mandate for a formal strike ballot against being privatised into a Children’s Trust. 97% of UNISON members voted for a strike ballot on a strong turnout. Our sister trade unions also balloted for strike action against being TUPE transferred into a Trust with the GMB receiving …

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UNISON activist runs half marathon for charity

Sandwell UNISON steward Amie Merry ran the streets of Birmingham for 13 miles in a UNISON t shirt to raise funds for Alzheimer’s Research UK. Congratulations to Amie and her friend who raised over £500.

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Sandwell at Demo Against Library Cuts

Sandwell UNISON’s banner toured the streets of London on Saturday 5 November as more than 1,000 marched against cuts to libraries and museums. The attached pictures are from the assembly point at the British Library and the rally point at the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square.

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Tell the Tories…End Austerity NOW!

Following the referendum vote to leave the EU the Tories have signalled that they need to give the economy a boost. What better way to do that than stopping the cuts to all public services, lifting the public sector pay caps and investing for the future. Instead of this their measures seem set to be …

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School Support Staff Industrial Action Ballot Put on Hold

Unison’s national committee on pay, terms and conditions met on 11 August to decide on whether to ballot School Support Staff over threats to pay, terms and conditions from the Government academisation plans. The decision of the meeting was to wait “as the expected government proposals around forced academies and funding have not been introduced….Therefore …

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UNISON Lobby Against ‘Poll Tax’ Parking Charges

Around 50 UNISON members lobbied the Highways Cabinet Meeting that was set to make a decision on the introduction of car parking charges of £4 a day or £240 a year on Sandwell Council House staff car park on West Bromwich Street. UNISON welcomes the lowering of annual parking tickets for elsewhere in the Borough …

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Challenge High Caseloads in Children’s Social Care

Caseloads for many Social Workers in Children’s Social Care are far too high. UNISON has formally requested management to agree maximum workload levels with the union. Whilst we await further dialogue UNISON has drafted a ‘Caseload Notification’ form for you to use if you wish to register the fact that your caseload is too high.Caseload …

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Sandwell Leisure Trust Petition at Full Council

Sarah James from GMB and Tony Barnsley from Unison represented the unions at the Council meeting 19 July. The formal presentation of the 5,000 plus petition prompted a Council debate. Councillor Richard Marshall (Cabinet Member for Leisure) paid tribute to the staff at SLT and commended their hard work. Council Leader Steve Eling stated he …

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NO to a Children’s Trust in Sandwell

Union members from UNISON, GMB and Unite met on Monday to voice their opposition to the Tory Governments attempts at privatising Sandwell’s Children’s Services. Tony Barnsley, Joint Branch Secretary for Sandwell UNISON stated, “Creating uncertainty over the pay, pensions and conditions for staff working in Children’s Social Care does nothing to improve the service provided …

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