A Charter for Apprentices has been agreed by the trade unions and was formally presented to Councillors on 23 October 2017. The Charter is attached and calls for all apprentices to be at least paid the minimum wage from day one of employment. At present Modern Apprentices are paid a disgraceful £3.50 per hour for …
Category: Uncategorized
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/charter-for-apprentices/
Living Wage to be paid by Sandwell Council
UNISON has been asking and demanding that as a Labour Council Sandwell should be paying the Living Wage as its minimum pay level and become an accredited Living Wage employer. 5 years later and Sandwell Council has just agreed to ‘top up’ the salaries of those paid below the Living Wage amount to the Living …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/living-wage-to-be-paid-by-sandwell-council/
Solidarity with Birmingham Refuse Strikers
Sandwell General Branch has sent a message of support and £200 donation after a Unite representative explained the dispute in Birmingham’s Refuse service to the Branch Committee of stewards. Faced with losing up to £5,000 in pay and having the person overseeing safety on the trucks made redundant has sparked a dispute that has seen …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/solidarity-with-birmingham-refuse-strikers/
Scrap the Pay Cap
Our employers across the West Midlands met in Sandwell on 21 July to discuss the joint union pay claim for 2018 of 5% plus the Living Wage at the bottom of the pay spine. With the support of West Midlands region of UNISON we organised a joint union lobby of our employers to press home …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/scrap-the-pay-cap/
Fantastic Offer for Apprentices
If you are an Apprentice you can join Sandwell General UNISON Branch for just £10 for the whole year. Furthermore if you join and return the attached slip to Sandwell UNISON at West Bromwich Town Hall, Lodge Road, B70 8DY then we will send you a £25 one4all gift card. By becoming a member of …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/fantastic-offer-for-apprentices/
SLT Deal Agreed – without attacks on terms and conditions
The Joint Union campaign against the ending of the contract with Sandwell Leisure Trust (SLT) has been a success. Last January staff working for Sandwell Leisure Trust faced the prospect of being transferred to another employer (with all the uncertainty that brings) – or the prospect of cuts in pay, terms and conditions if the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/slt-deal-agreed-without-attacks-on-terms-and-conditions/
Black Country Stands Up to Racism Rally 15 Feb
Black Country Stands Up to Racism Speakers include: Louise Regan NUT senior vice president, Roger McKenzie UNISON assistant general secretary, Jackie Taylor Sandwell Labour Cllr, Azad Ali Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND), Ian Hodson BFAWU National President, Colleen Molloy City of Sanctuary, Weyman Bennett Stand Up To Racism Co-Convenor. 7pm on Wednesday 15th February West …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/black-country-stands-up-to-racism-rally-15-feb/
Overwhelming Vote for Strike Ballot against being privatised into a Children’s Trust
UNISON members in Children’s Services have given a huge mandate for a formal strike ballot against being privatised into a Children’s Trust. 97% of UNISON members voted for a strike ballot on a strong turnout. Our sister trade unions also balloted for strike action against being TUPE transferred into a Trust with the GMB receiving …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/overwhelming-vote-for-strike-ballot-against-being-privatised-into-a-childrens-trust/
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/unison-activist-runs-half-marathon-for-charity/
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/sandwell-at-demo-against-library-cuts/