Category: Uncategorized

Remember the dead. Fight for the living

UNISON took part in the first ever Workers’ Memorial Day event held in Sandwell on 27 April. Speakers from our sister trade unions also attended. Cllr Steve Trow also gave his commitment to continue to work with trade unions to make workplaces as safe as possible.

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Children’s Trust TUPE Agreement

Sandwell Children’s Trust was launched on 1 April 2018, which saw over 400 staff transfer from Sandwell MBC to the Trust. Your UNISON representatives have been negotiating the best possible terms to transfer on. Attached is a copy of the agreement. In summary your employment rights, length of service conditions, pensions and pay have all …

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SLT Sign Up to Charter

Sandwell Leisure Trust on 19 March signed up to the TUC’s Dying to Work Charter that promises to treat any workers unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with a terminal illness with dignity, as outlined in the Charter.

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AGM Says Thank You to Manny

A picture of images from a more youthful Manny Bueno was a surprise gift to him at the AGM. The picture was presented by Tony Barnsley, current Branch Secretary and Mike Roberts, former Branch Secretary of UNISON (and before that NALGO) when Manny was Assistant Branch Secretary. We wish him well in retirement and thank …

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AGM votes to support anti-racist demonstrations

Sandwell UNISON’s AGM voted unanimously to support the forthcoming national demonstration against racism. See below for the flyer. The AGM also voted to support the Birmingham United demonstration on 24 March in opposition to the FLA’s plan to march through Birmingham.

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Sandwell’s Pay Ballot Consultation Results for members in schools and local government

Thanks to all members who returned ballot papers in the recent consultation on the 2018/20 pay offer for staff working in schools and local government. Sandwell’s results were as follows: 245 voted to REJECT the offer (45%) 294 voted to ACCEPT the offer (55%) These results have been forwarded to the Region. As soon as …

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Branch Election Results

Thanks to all who returned ballot papers for the contested positions. The results are as follows: Vice Chair –      Simon Green   134 votes :  Ian King   151 votes (Elected) Assistant Branch Secretary (Education) – Simon Green  76  votes : Louise Harrisen-Powis   231 votes (Elected) Assistant Branch Secretary (Local Govt)  – Shiv …

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Press Release on Ofsted and Children’s Services

Sandwell’s Children’s Services Staffing Crisis The latest Ofsted judgement on Sandwell’s Children’s Services is a further blow to morale of our hardworking members in Sandwell. Six months ago, the trade unions in Sandwell formally presented a twelve-point plan to resolve the then growing staffing crisis, which included capping caseload levels and offering staff a payment …

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Seasons Greetings to Sandwell UNISON from Jeremy Corbyn

Delegates from Sandwell UNISON handed Jeremy Corbyn a signed Xmas card from our committee of stewards when he spoke at a 1,000 rally in West Bromwich on 23rd of November. Without any request we received this message and photo. “I am emailing from Jeremy Corbyn’s office to say a massive thank you to all at …

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Making Sandwell Children’s Services the ‘Employer of Choice’

One of the aims of the new Children’s Trust is to make Sandwell the “employer of choice within the region and reduce the over dependence on agency and newly qualified staff.” Twelve months after the Government began their intervention in Sandwell the number of agency workers is at an all time high, costing £400,000 each month …

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