Category: Uncategorized

FSA Consultative ballot result – WM Region

89% of members working for the Foods Standards Agency across the West Midlands voted to reject the employers pay offer, with 11% voting to accept. Thanks to all those members that returned consultative ballot papers over the Xmas period.    

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Your Branch Wins Regional Award

Sandwell General Branch won the West Midlands Regional Award for recruitment innovation with our Branches initiative to recruit apprentices. Over 30 apprentices have been recruited so far. The offer from the Branch, outlined at the top of the website, remains open. We urge all apprentices in Sandwell working for Sandwell Council to join UNISON. We …

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Stars in Our Schools Winners’ 2018

The Winners of the Sandwell UNISON Stars in our Schools Award for 2018 are Neil Matthews and Charlie McAllister from George Salter Academy. Their nomination from a colleague read, “Charlie and Neil are fantastic support staff. Helpful and friendly in carrying out all tasks, big or small. All schools need efficient site staff and George …

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Sandwell UNISON on the march for libraries

Sandwell UNISON activist, Shazziah Rock, spoke at the national demonstration in support of libraries, museums and culture on Saturday 3 November. Pictured in the Guardian newspaper website on Monday 5 November, Shazziah, placed Sandwell UNISON firmly at the front of the action.

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UNISON members survey at Sandwell Children’s Trust

During the summer, UNISON conducted a survey of members working at Sandwell Children’s Trust after numerous members had raised concerns around workloads, stress levels, oppressive management and ultimately the service provided to Sandwell’s vulnerable children. A third of our members responded. Despite the Trust launching in April the results show serious issues remain to be …

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UNISON helps secure improvements to restructures in Place

UNISON members going through restructures in Housing Choice and Business Excellence will no longer have to undertake competitive interviews for future positions where there are more posts than people for the graded ring-fenced positions. In addition, staff who currently have permanent positions will remain permanent employees if they end up in one of the two-year …

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Happy 70th Birthday to our NHS

The NHS was created by a Labour Government on 5 July 1948. Since then it has touched all our lives. Before the NHS all healthcare, visits to the Doctor and treatment had to be paid for. The free service, based on need, not what money you have, is something that has become cherished by generation …

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As the temperature rises….

Although there is no legal maximum temperature for workplaces employers do have a responsibility to take all reasonable steps to achieve a comfortable temperature to work in. Please see the attached briefing for further detail. If you believe your management should be doing more to assist during this heatwave then please discuss with your local …

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Dump on Trump’s Visit to UK Friday 13 July

A national demonstration in London has been called against the visit of Trump to the UK on Friday 13 July. Your Branch Committee of stewards has unanimously passed a motion to support those wishing to attend this huge demonstration. The sexism and racism from Trump is against the values of equality held by UNISON. Trump’s …

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Better Pay Deal negotiated at Sandwell College

A local agreement on pay has been reached with Sandwell College which will put more money into members pockets as well as secure the Foundation Living Wage for the lowest paid. The deal is as follows:- Year 1 (1 August 2017): 2.25% consolidated increase on all pay scales (including 1% already paid from 1st August …

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