NJC Circ Coronavirus and Working at Home 17Mar20 Please see the attached guidance. On 17 March, the NJC Joint Secretaries agreed and issued a joint circular on COVID-19, with a particular focus on provisions for working from home. The joint circular covers: • Guidance on ensuring staff well-being is safeguarded during periods of home working …
Category: Uncategorized
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/national-guidance-on-coronavirus-and-working-from-home/
Coronavirus COVID-19 Negotiations in Sandwell
UNISON activists have been challenging employers and management to have the necessary plans in place to keep both staff and the public safe during this time of crisis. At the time of writing we have secured agreement from Sandwell MBC, Sandwell Leisure Trust, Sandwell Children’s Trust, SIPS and for the TUPE’d Serco employees, confirming that …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/coronavirus-covid-19-negotiations-in-sandwell/
Coronavirus COVID-19 update from National Joint Council
Please see the attached updated communication from the NJC – which is the national body representing employers and trade unions. Sandwell General Branch is seeking discussions with employers to ensure both the staff and public remain as safe as possible during this epidemic. We will also be requesting that all employers exclude anyone suffering from …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/coronavirus-covid-19-update-from-national-joint-council/
Failure to Agree over TLS Pilot in Blackheath lifted after change secured
The Joint Trade Unions submitted a Failure to Agree over Management’s plans to implement a pilot. See the attached letter. Failure to Agree 4 March 20 Just before the Coronavirus Crisis grew UNISON consulted members on their views. We relayed back members collective view to Management – with the mandate that union members in Rowley …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/failure-to-agree-over-tls-pilot-in-blackheath/
Electricians Victory
Strike action by Electricians in Sandwell has been called off after Sandwell Council awarded them a better pay grade. UNISON members had been taking action short of strike action since 6 January, after voting 100% on a 94% turnout for both action short of strike action and strike action. The action short of strike action …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/electricians-victory/
Coronavirus Advice
Events around Coronavirus changes on a daily basis. If you are affected by Coronavirus then please click on the attached, which contains numerous links you may find helpful. In the first instance you should discuss with your line manager – as with any other situation where you cannot attend work. To remind you of the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/coronavirus-advice/
Local Government Pay Offer Rejected
Initial local government pay offer rejected – talks continue The National Joint Council (NJC) Executive met today, for the employers to respond to the trade unions’ local government pay claim for 2020. Our claim was for a new minimum rate of £10 an hour, and 10% for everybody else. We also asked for improvements in …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/local-government-pay-offer-rejected/
Come to Your Union’s Annual Meeting Thursday 5 March
Come to Your Union’s AGM Thursday 5 March 5:45pm Buffet refreshments from 5:00pm At Christchurch CofE Primary school, Albert Street, Oldbury (behind the Court of Requests pub) Agenda includes: Guest Speaker – Roger McKenzie, national Assistant General Secretary Results of Officer elections Update on Electricians dispute Motions All attendees entered into a Free Prize draw …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/come-to-your-unions-annual-meeting-thursday-5-march/
Electricians Vote 100% for Action
Electricians in Sandwell submitted a claim for a re-grade back in April 2018. It took management 18 months to exhaust their own internal procedure that should take no more than two months. After rejecting the claim, Electricians called for an industrial action ballot. Their claim, if successful, would simply put Electricians pay in Sandwell on …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/electricians-vote-100-for-action/
Sandwell’s Star in Our Schools
Congratulations to everyone nominated this year, but in particular to Ann Roth from Hall Green Primary for being Sandwell’s overall star in our schools. Ann has worked at Hall Green for over 40 years, helping three generations of some families attending the school. Her nominee stated, “She dedicates herself to her role and puts the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/sandwells-star-in-our-schools/