Category: Uncategorized

Stand-By Payments Increase

From 1 April Stand-By payments in Sandwell Council are increasing from £20 (where they have been since 2010) to £24.52. UNISON successfully negotiated this increase after members working in Mental Health voted 100% for industrial action short of strike action in a consultative ballot. This payment is received by 300 workers across the Council and …

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Advice and Guidance for Social Care Workers

Please see the link to national advice and guidance for social care workers. If you need to contact the Branch – please see the numbers on the front page of this website or email Stay safe.  

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COVID-19 and Critical Workers – NJC circular for Local Government Workers +Private Sector

Please see the attached latest circular for local government workers. On 23 March the National Joint Council (NJC) trade unions agreed a further joint NJC circular with the employers’ side, and this was circulated to employers. The circular is attached. It is important that branches read the circular carefully, but its key points are summarised …

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Blackheath Library Staff Invoke Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996

Despite pubs, clubs and restaurants being shut on Friday 20 March, six main Town libraries were expected to open on Monday 23 March. So whilst the Government believed it is not appropriate to gather in a pub – it was OK to gather and socialise in a Library. This was clearly placing staff and the …

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National Guidance on Coronavirus and working from home

NJC Circ Coronavirus and Working at Home 17Mar20 Please see the attached guidance. On 17 March, the NJC Joint Secretaries agreed and issued a joint circular on COVID-19, with a particular focus on provisions for working from home. The joint circular covers: • Guidance on ensuring staff well-being is safeguarded during periods of home working …

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Coronavirus COVID-19 Negotiations in Sandwell

UNISON activists have been challenging employers and management to have the necessary plans in place to keep both staff and the public safe during this time of crisis. At the time of writing we have secured agreement from Sandwell MBC, Sandwell Leisure Trust, Sandwell Children’s Trust, SIPS and for the TUPE’d Serco employees, confirming that …

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Coronavirus COVID-19 update from National Joint Council

Please see the attached updated communication from the NJC – which is the national body representing employers and trade unions. Sandwell General Branch is seeking discussions with employers to ensure both the staff and public remain as safe as possible during this epidemic. We will also be requesting that all employers exclude anyone suffering from …

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Failure to Agree over TLS Pilot in Blackheath lifted after change secured

The Joint Trade Unions submitted a Failure to Agree over Management’s plans to implement a pilot. See the attached letter. Failure to Agree 4 March 20 Just before the Coronavirus Crisis grew UNISON consulted members on their views. We relayed back members collective view to Management  – with the mandate that union members in Rowley …

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Electricians Victory

Strike action by Electricians in Sandwell has been called off after Sandwell Council awarded them a better pay grade. UNISON members had been taking action short of strike action since 6 January, after voting 100% on a 94% turnout for both action short of strike action and strike action. The action short of strike action …

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Coronavirus Advice

Events around Coronavirus changes on a daily basis. If you are affected by Coronavirus then please click on the attached, which contains numerous links you may find helpful. In the first instance you should discuss with your line manager – as with any other situation where you cannot attend work. To remind you of the …

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