Category: Uncategorized

NJC Pay Offer Ballot Papers in the Post

If you are on NJC terms and conditions please look out for your ballot paper which will be with you early July. We report every single vote counted (not %’s) back to Regional Office so every vote counts. Make sure you have your say on whether to accept or reject the 2020 pay offer. What …

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Ballots and Bail Outs at Sandwell Leisure Trust

Options for councils in supporting leisure providers through COVID-19 WEB[5194] With leisure centres being shut down due to the pandemic, Sandwell Leisure Trust faces a financial crisis. Leisure Trusts up and down the country all face a complete shut down of income. In response, the Local Government Association (LGA is an employers body) has written …

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NJC Pay Offer Consultation Meeting

This years pay offer of 2.75% on all pay points, plus an additional days leave for those with the minimum leave entitlement only, will be going out for consultation shortly. Sandwell UNISON members who are on NJC terms and conditions should look out for consultative ballots arriving at your home address early July. Along with …

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Latest national NJC guidance on returning to work

NJC_Circ_Coronavirus_and_return_to_work_test_trace_and_hospital_admission_12Jun20 Please read the latest NJC guidance on returning to work. For Test and Trace please note the following. Test & Trace If an employee is contacted by NHS Test and Trace and instructed to self-isolate, Part 2 Para 10.9 of the ‘Green Book’ will apply and their absence should not be recorded as sickness …

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Black Lives Matter – Stand Up to Racism online event

UnisonSoulCivilRightPoster2020 Sandwell General UNISON has sponsored the attached event. With UNISON’s national conference being cancelled this online event is now open to all members to attend. Below is a message from the organiser. Dear Branch Secretary/Chair/Officer, I’d like to thank your branch/committee for agreeing to sponsor the online event that Camden UNISON has organised for …

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2020 TUC Women Chainmakers’ Festival

2020 TUC Women Chainmakers’ Festival Saturday 4 July| 11.00am The annual TUC Women Chainmakers’ Festival is moving online this year due to Covid-19. This virtual event will include 1) The famous Mary Macarthur ‘Call to Arms’ and ‘Victory Speech’. 2) Short chain making related films. 3) ‘Forging new links’ interactive panel discussion. The panel includes: …

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How to work safely

UNISON national leaflet June20 Please see the attached national leaflet. Whilst Branch activists are working to ensure suitable risk assessments are in place before staff return to work – this may not be happening everywhere. Please contact the Branch if you need assistance – using the mobile numbers on the front page.

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Dear Sandwell Councillor

The trade unions in schools have sent a second letter to Sandwell Councillors expressing concerns about the safety of more pupils retuning to school. Please see the attached. Dear Sandwell councillors – followup Let’s see if there is a response this time.

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Returning to School When it is Safe

UNISON, alongside our sister trade unions, have serious concerns about the safety of staff, pupils and parents regarding the Governments plans on re-opening schools to more pupils. In Sandwell, we are seeking assurances from the Local Authority, that schools will only open to more pupils when it is safe to do so. We are aware …

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2020 NJC Pay Offer in £’s

Whilst the employers have made a ‘final’ offer of 2.75% on all pay points, plus one extra days leave for those on minimum entitlement only – UNISON does not view negotiations to have been fully exhausted. The NJC pay offer covers council workers, support staff at most schools, and TUPE’d staff to Sandwell Children’s Trust, …

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