Category: Uncategorized

UNISON’s National Letter regarding Leisure Services to Council Leaders

UNISON has written to every Council Leader across the Country asking about their plans regarding the pandemic and their plans. It has been made clear to every Council that the choice they face due to the pandemic is either to bail-out Leisure Trusts, or take them back under control. Sandwell UNISON is aware that these …

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UNISON Members want All Libraries to Re-open Safely

Most Local Authorities have already re-opened their libraries in a COVID-secure manner. In Sandwell this is only just beginning to take place. Whilst the safety first approach is welcomed by UNISON, staff working in the library service now want all libraries to re-open. In a survey of UNISON members working in Sandwell’s Library service, 97% …

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NJC 2020 Pay Offer Agreed

The trade unions nationally have agreed to the pay offer for 2020. UNISON members voted by 67% on a 22% turnout to accept the offer of 2.75%, back dated from 1 April.  We have been informed that for Council Workers, this will be in September’s pay. For those on the minimum leave of 21 days …

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Branch Nominates Roger McKenzie in General Secretary Election

Sandwell General Branch Committee voted to nominate Roger McKenzie in the upcoming national election to replace Dave Prentis as our General Secretary.  Those that attended our AGM earlier this year would have heard a passionate speech from Roger McKenzie. This is the top position within the union and we urge all members to use their …

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A Message to SLT’s Board

Trade union members across all three trade unions have now twice given overwhelming votes against Sandwell Leisure Trusts proposals attack NJC pay levels and withdraw from NJC body that nationally negotiates terms and conditions. Below is a joint union message to the Board members of SLT. Dear Board Members of SLT, We would have liked …

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Sandwell’s 2020 NJC Pay Offer Vote

Thanks to all members under NJC pay, terms and conditions who returned their ballot papers on the 2.75% pay offer for 2020. The votes were as follows: 554 voting papers were returned. 445 voted to accept the offer (80%), whilst 109 voted to reject the offer (20%). These numbers will be fed back to the …

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Exit Payment cap – Latest

Attached is the latest Government document on their proposals to limit exit payments for any staff leaving the public sector. Public_sector_exit_payments_Consultation_response For those with current agreements to leave the Council early  – we have asked the question on any possible impact. Sandwell Council is unable to say at the moment because the legislation is not …

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Sign Up to Fund Key Workers and our Councils

Join our call for a £10 billion bailout After clapping key workers – now is the time to ensure the very same public sector workers are not hit with further cuts and job losses due to inadequate funding. While our Councils have stepped up to the challenge to help our communities during the pandemic, they …

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Sandwell Leisure Trust consultative ballot results

We would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to return our ballot papers and as we have reported the results to the employer, its now time to let you all know how the results went. We had 77% of our posted ballot papers returned, which is a good return for …

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Working From Home Tax Relief

Still working from home? Please see the information below from the Government. To find out if you are eligible to apply, please visit the website and click on the check if you can claim button Working at home You may be able to claim tax relief for some of the bills you have to …

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