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The Governments’ proposed ‘Exit Payment Cap’ has been presented as being about limiting excessive severance payments to public sector workers. However, the reality will be an attack on the statutory rights for those in the Local Government Pension Scheme; it will be forced upon many more workers than just the most senior managers. The proposed leaving …
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Did you know all Apprentices at Sandwell Council earn just £2.73 an hour for the first year! UNISON has formally requested that all Apprentices are paid the minimum wage from day one of employment. This is the minimum we expect from a socially responsible Labour Council. With the recent budgets hitting young people hard, including …
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OFSTED Report on Sandwell’s Children’s Services UNISON is today publically expressing concerns at how Children’s Services in Sandwell are run. For some time members in Sandwell have internally expressed their concerns and raised these through the appropriate internal channels but today in light of the OFSTED report there has become a need to …
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You may have seen and heard information in regards to the councils Job Promise. Below is a statement from the joint unions (UNISON, GMB, UNITE) regarding this: Job Promise – cabinet report 01.04.15 – Click this link to read full document. Jobs Promise Negotiated No Compulsory Redundancies between 2015-2017 UNISON, Unite the Union and the GMB have …
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Many members do not know that as part of their membership they can get a Free will writing service for them and their partner. The service is available by either completing a form which can be sent out by the branch or UNISON Direct by calling 0800 0 857 857, or online. The online Will …
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Please click onto the below link to view the pay rates from January 2015. Pay Rates Jan 2015
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One of the biggest threats our members face throughout the rounds of restructures, pay restraint and shrinking teams is the increase in workload. UNISON recognises that the loss of years of experience when reducing staff numbers and the increasing workloads that are left behind to fewer staff can create anxiety and stress. Managers should be …
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UNISON National site UNISON Regional site Trades Union Council Thompson’s Solicitors Please note Sandwell General Branch UNISON is not responsible for the content of external links.
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