Extreme Weather Guidance

Whilst it seems as though its taken awhile for summer weather to arrive in the UK, this year has been the warmest on record across the globe.

Climate change is making extreme weather events more common and with extreme heat being a bigger killer than extreme cold, UNISON, together with our sister trade unions, have been pressing for Sandwell Council to adopt a policy on extreme weather.

The guidance below has been agreed and could form the guidance for many workplaces. In  particular for any amber or red weather alerts we urge all pregnant members and anyone with a known heart condition to seek a personal risk assessment in order to take measures to remain safe whilst at work.

Sandwell UNISON will be requesting other employers across Sandwell adopt similar guidance.

SMBC Adverse Extreme Weather Guidance – FINAL for formatting

Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/extreme-weather-guidance/